A WOMAN accused of murdering her mum in Worcester could face trial in January next year but first must be seen by a psychiatrist.

Jessica Crane appeared over videolink from Eastwood Park at Worcester Crown Court yesterday, accused of the fatal stabbing of 69-year-old Janet Mason.

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The 49-year-old defendant of Hillside Close, Worcester, is accused of murder following the death of Ms Mason in Green Lane, off Rainbow Hill on March 9. The defendant appeared on a screen in court three, wearing a Covid mask and spoke only to confirm her name and that she could hear clearly.

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Richard Atkins appeared for the Crown, also over link, and Nicholas Berry appeared in person on behalf of Crane. The case was heard by Judge James Burbidge QC, Worcester’s most senior judge and the only sitting Worcester judge able to hear murder cases. Also appearing in court was a probation officer, an instructing solicitor and a detective.

Mr Berry said: “We wish to explore the mental health of Miss Crane by the commissioning of a psychiatric report.”

Enquiries have already been made with Dinesh Maganty, a consultant forensic psychiatrist who is due to see the defendant on April 29 this year.

The defence hope to have this report available by May 27 this year. A plea and trial preparation hearing was identified for June 7 this year. Judge Burbidge said she would have to be in court either in person or appear over live link for this hearing.

Judge Burbidge, who described the case as an ‘internal family issue’, asked for a summary of the issues in the case and added: “There is no contest that it was your lay client who caused the death?”

Mr Berry answered ‘no’. A trial date of January 31 next year was also identified. Any trial is expected to last two weeks.

The judge did raise the possibility that the case could be heard elsewhere (outside Worcester).

Crane was remanded in custody until the next hearing