SIR – The campaigners against the ill-conceived application to build a care home in Northwick Road are to be congratulated.

Their victory is well merited. However, as proved with a housing development scheme a few yards down the road, their jubilation may be short lived.

The Old Northwick Farm housing development proposals were the subject of a protracted planning debate, which extended over almost a decade and was fiercely opposed by local residents and other citizens who were aware of the undeniable dangers of flooding and damage to the environment.

The Worcester City Council planning committee finally refused the planning application to great acclaim, only for it to be overturned on appeal by Government planning authorities in Bristol!

This project is now being undertaken; the site is a quagmire and convoys of heavy lorries conveying huge amounts of hard core and aggregate thunder up and down the Northwick road to the detriment of its newly relayed surface.

In St John’s, Councillor Richard Udall quite rightly urges residents to make their feelings known against another proposed housing development.

However, what is the point of local people objecting if decisions are overturned at a higher level?

Public consultation is one of the ‘mantras’ of this Conservative government, but the interests of developers seems to hold sway and makes a mockery of local democracy.

Mick Richards
