YEAR 8 student at Nunnery Wood High School, Molly Tyrrell took the brave decision to shave her head in order to raise money for Macmillan Cancer support this week – and has smashed her fundraising target.

A school spokesman said: “Molly told her parents how passionate she was about raising money for charity and that she had considered braving the shave.

“She was very determined and her parents agreed that this was something they were happy to support Molly with.

“The family were aware that it isn’t an easy time for people to donate, so they initially set up a target to raise £100.”

They shared their plans along with a link to their charity page and have been overwhelmed by the support they have received – so far, the total is at a staggering £1,490!

And that total was due to be swelled even more at the weekend as Molly’s dad was also going to brave the shave on Saturday and his company has pledged to double the amount raised.

Molly said: “I participated in Brave the Shave because I feel passionate about supporting the charity as I have had some close relatives die from cancer and Macmillan were amazing.

“I want to try to contribute to finding solutions and cures.”

Molly’s family say they would like to thank everyone who has donated including friends and family and to extend their thanks to school staff for their generous support for this wonderful cause.

To make a donation, go to