A NUMBER of key figures in Worcestershire have said that they will take the coronavirus vaccine when it becomes available to them.

When asked if he would take the UK-approved Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, Worcester MP Robin Walker, said: "100% yes.

"And I shall be encouraging my mother to get one at the first available opportunity as she is likely to be higher up on the list than me."

West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin said: “I am not expecting to be called for a vaccine very soon as I have only just turned 60 and have no underlying health conditions. There will be millions of higher priority people who are rightly ahead of me on the priority list.

"I have had my ‘flu jab this year and would certainly have the Covid-19 vaccination if I am offered it by my GP.

"However, I would never support making vaccination for Covid-19 compulsory and I know that the Government does not propose to make it compulsory.”

The Bishop of Worcester John Inge, said: "I shall certainly accept the offer of a vaccine when it comes. I shall do so not primarily for myself but in order to protect those with whom I come I into contact. I would urge everyone to have the vaccine for the same reason."

Mid-Worcestershire MP Nigel Huddlestone said: "I know that for many people, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is a light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel. While we have some way to go still, it provides fresh hope that we can beat this pandemic. I would – and undoubtedly will – take this vaccine and feel safe doing so.

"I also want to assure constituents that although this vaccine has been approved quickly, we have some of the highest safety standards in the world. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has followed all the same steps that any high-quality regulator would, should and will. It has followed them rapidly and sometimes in parallel, instead of one after the other, which is how the UK has got to the position of being the first country in the world to have a vaccine that is clinically authorised, with the World Health Organisation commending the work of the MHRA and backing the approach they have taken.”

Cllr Neil Morton, Mayor of Malvern, said: "The vaccine has been approved by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) as safe.

"Contracting Covid-19 can have life-threatening consequences. If taking the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reduces the risk of contracting Covid-19 then yes I would take it if offered."

Cllr Sarah Rouse, Leader of Malvern Hills District Council, said: “As someone who has lost family members to this virus, I will be more than happy to have the vaccine. It is the responsible thing to do to protect others and help save lives, it will also be the first step towards restarting our economy. I have absolute confidence in the regulator that has independently assessed the scientific evidence and says this vaccine is safe. But I will be quite a long way down the priority list as quite rightly the focus is on making sure the more vulnerable members of our society and front line health and care workers are protected first.”

Evesham Town Mayor, Cllr Sue Amor said that she would 'definitely take the vaccine'.

The owner of Shakeeys Heaven Restaurant in Worcester, Shakeey Latif, also said he would take the vaccine.