SIR – I would like to thank and pay tribute to one of our city council’s Street Enforcement Officers (I’m not sure that this is his correct title, this chap was dressed very much like a traffic warden, the only standout identification was the number 14 on his epaulettes).

My wife and I were sitting by Asda basking in the winter sun when two young men around the age of 18/20 came and sat on a nearby bench, lit up a cigarette each and chatted, but then started to spit after every inhale and exhale. They weren’t spiting long distance just straight down between their legs but still disgusting nevertheless!

Enforcement Officer number 14, who looked to be around the very same age as the two spitters, walked across.

Now I think it took guts, and a lot of guts, from our officer to challenge these two, but challenge he did.

I couldn’t hear the conversation, but the smokers very soon stopped spitting, cleaned the area between their feet and moved on! so a very big “Good on You” officer number 14 you’re a credit to the city of Worcester!

Please madam Mayor give this council employee a citation as he deserves it.

We are all to quick to criticise so let's be just a quick to praise where praise is due!

Gary Kibblewhite
