A NAKED man who claimed he was 'just sunbathing' will appear for another plea hearing at Worcester Crown Court today.

We have previously reported how Krzysztof Rajczykowski of Bewdley Court, Bewdley Street, Evesham said he was just ‘sunbathing’ and denied exposure and possession of two kitchen knives when he appeared in court on the last occasion.

The 64-year-old accepted he was naked on a footpath behind a hedgerow, around eight to 10 metres from the main road - the A44 near the Wood Norton Hotel, Evesham - on May 19 this year when he appeared last time.

However, he denied possession of bladed articles (two kitchen knives) and exposure when formally arraigned by the clerk of the court. The case was heard last time by Judge James Burbidge QC, the Recorder of Worcester (pictured).

This time it will be heard by Recorder Charles Falk. This plea hearing this time is for an alleged assault. Richard Franck is prosecuting and Alun Williams defending.

Rajczykowski, who had the support of a Polish interpreter, said he was ‘sunbathing’ and denied ‘exposing his genitals with the intention that someone would see them and be caused.

Otherwise it will be a quiet day in court today despite the backlog of cases caused by Covid-19.

Only two cases are listed in court one - the plea hearing of Christopher Turner and the trial of Andrew Moyse. In court three there are again few cases listed - a plea hearing for Krysztof Rajczykowski, the trial of Leomie Knowles and the trial of Andrew Burkett.

This follows on from more dramatic scenes yesterday when a man was arrested across the road at Worcester Magistrates Court and taken away in handcuffs.

We will be bringing you a full report on this case in due course. In contrast to crown court it was so busy at magistrates court yesterday that security staff were turning people away unless they were defendants or witnesses to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.