A SEX offender who tried to meet girls for sex and has abused a child has been jailed for flouting rules to keep Worcester safe from the paedophile predator.

Christopher Postans had unsupervised contact with children by the Elgar Statue in Worcester which breached the terms of a sexual harm prevention order designed to safeguard city children.

The 43-year-old of Ombersley Road, Worcester, was jailed for four months by Judge James Burbidge QC at the city's crown court on Thursday.

The breach happened when the registered sex offender had unsupervised contact with children near the Elgar statue in Worcester High Street before going to Starbucks on July 23 this year.

The case was prosecuted by Amiee Parkes while the defendant was represented by Sam Lamsdale.

We have previously reported how Postans used the internet to groom girls and tried to meet one in a Malvern park so he could assault her.

Christopher Postans appeared at Worcester Crown Court via videolink from HMP Hewell last June where he admitted sexual communication with children, all young girls.

Then living at Longridge Road, Malvern, he admitted three counts of sexual communication with three different underage victims.

Postans tried to meet one of the girls in Victoria Park, Malvern, with the aim of sexually assaulting her. The first offence happened between April 1 and May 24 last year in Malvern when Postans attempted to communicate with a girl under 16 via Instagram.

Postans admitted two similar offences of sexual communication against two further victims and an ‘attempt to meet a child following sexual grooming’ on more than one occasion.

This involved an attempt to meet a girl aged 14 (one of the three victims already referred to) in Victoria Park, Malvern which would have involved the commission of a relevant sexual offence, namely a sexual assault.

He was jailed last July at Hereford Crown Court yesterday.

Andrew Wilkins, prosecuting, said the defendant messaged a girl of 13 on Instagram, describing a photo he believed was of her bottom as ‘a nice picture’, a comment she told him was 'inappropriate'. Postans attempted to meet her on April 16 last year at 11pm, telling her 'you don’t need to be scared - I just want to talk' and 'kiss me'.

The girl replied 'I'm 13 though'. Postans responded: "'Would you let me?”

Postans sent a topless photo of himself to another underage girl, also 13, which she said ‘made her feel really uncomfortable’.

Postans communicated with a third 13-year-old girl about ‘being naughty and smacking bums’, sending her his topless photo. However, the first victim, the one Postans had tried to meet in the park, told her father what had been happening, police were called and the defendant was arrested. In interview Postans made ‘limited admissions’ but denied any sexual motivation.

In 2003 Postans met with a 14-year-old girl he had contacted via an internet chat room, having penetrative sex with her.

The defendant, sentenced in 2005, received a community rehabilitation order and later breached the notification requirements.

Jailing him last July, Recorder Jason MacAdam said: “This is familiar territory for you. You have done this sort of thing before some considerable time ago."

He added: “The fact is you’re a paedophile. You’re sexually attracted to children. I have no doubt whatsoever if you had met any of these children you would have abused them in the same way you abused your victim in the past.”

Last July the judge had jailed him for 27 months, imposed a sexual harm prevention order for 10 years and ordered him to sign the sex offender register for the same period.