A CARER has described how her hijab was ripped off her face in a racist attack by a man who tried to kick her into the city canal.

Nazia Aamir, 47 said her and her two dogs, Benji and Chicago were attacked and almost pushed into the canal by a man who threatened to kill her on Monday evening.

It was only when one of her dogs bared his teeth the attacker backed off.

The mother-of-two said: "I was taking my two dogs for their evening walk down the canal when a man who was also walking his dog started shouting at me. He said he was going to kill me and my dogs.

"I kept my head down and tried to walk past him but he grabbed my hijab and pulled it. It came off and fell to the ground."

Mrs Aamir said the man then tried to kick her and her dogs into the canal at Perdiswell whilst shouting extremely abusive racial language.

The care assistant for St Stephens added: "I was absolutely terrified, he kicked my dog and tried to force us in to the canal. He only stopped when my big dog started showing his teeth to try and protect me."

Mrs Aamir immediately phoned the police. Another dog walker, Dawn Brown found Mrs Aamir moments after the attack and stayed with her until the police arrived.

Mrs Brown said: "I recognised her and her dogs as we often cross paths when we go for walks. She looked really shaken up. She was really scared. When she told me her and her dogs had been attacked I was disgusted. Especially as it has been because of her race. She is a lovely lady and she didn't deserve this. I feel really angry and upset for her."

Mrs Aamir says she has been left feeling very angry and hurt after the ordeal and hopes that by telling her story he will be caught and others won't have to go through what she has. She said: "This was a scary and unprovoked attack by a man I didn't know. He is still out there. If anyone saw anything please contact the police before he hurts someone else."

She describes the man as aged 25, about 5ft 5 with dark hair. He was wearing black joggers and a black top and was walking with a Labrador. He was last seen heading from the canal to Bilford Road.

West Mercia Police were unavailable for comment.