THIS week we have seen nation wide panic buying. I didn't quite believe it at first, who is really stupid enough to run out and clear the shelves of toilet paper because of a flu like virus.

But lo and behold on my travels this week I have been in six different Worcester supermarkets and in every one of them - handwash, hand sanitiser, medication and even loo rolls are harder to get your hands on than unicorn dust.

I mean it is just really silly and quite funny that people are reacting to Coronavirus outbreak like this.

What are they doing with it all? I imagine people building forts out of tissue paper and squirting anyone who walks by with Purell.

However, there is a more sinister side. I have had the misfortune of reporting this week that people are going into hospitals and stealing hand sanitiser which is there to protect vulnerable people and the wonderful NHS staff caring for said people.

Shoving ten bottles of hand sanitiser in your trolley at Tesco or wherever is fine - selfish - but fine.

But stealing it from hospitals?

Has the world gone mad?

It should be obvious as to why that is such a terrible thing to do. But just in case anyone needs reminding.

The NHS have given the following plea: “Hand Sanitiser Gel is very important in hospitals to ensure we can protect not just from Coronavirus but a wide range of potentially very serious infections.

“Stealing bottles of hand sanitiser, or taking large quantities from dispensers in public areas could create serious risks especially for our most vulnerable patients. So we would encourage anyone visiting our hospitals to only use these in a sensible manner when entering wards or clinical areas.”

It is absolutely understandable to be panicky about the Coronavirus. It is unsettling. However we need to keep things in proportion.

The official advice is still just to keep your hands clean with soap and water - something we should all be doing anyway.

There is no need to panic buy or stock pile or steal!

In times like this it is important for us all to do our part, we all need access to soap and water and toilet paper!

There is enough for everyone as long as we are sensible about it.

Don't let fear turn us against each other.