How would you like to save £10 a week? It doesn’t sound much does it, but it adds up to £500 over the year. What would you do with that?

When it comes to saving money most of aim for the big saves and ignore the small stuff. Here are a few ideas for you to think about. Do a couple a of these every week, pop the tenner into a jar and see your savings grow.

Meat-free Mondays is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Supported by celebrities from around the world the website provides information, free recipes and an opt-in newsletter.

Insulate your home. Loft insulation is relatively cheap and means you can drop the thermostat by a degree or two. You will be surprised at the difference it makes.

Walk don’t drive. This one may be a bit of a stretch for some, but even if you must use the car try parking it out of town for free and walk the rest of the way to work, school or college.

Ease off the accelerator. Driving with a light touch on the accelerator and reading the road ahead so that you gently slow down and avoid having to come to a complete stop will seriously increase miles per fuel tank.

Bargain basics. If you haven’t tried the discount supermarkets and shops, where have you been? Brilliant for basics, after all washing powder is just washing powder, it doesn’t matter where you buy it from!

The eight-day shop. Regular readers will know that this is my favourite! Stretching the weekly shop to eight days means that every six weeks you have double grocery money. You also save time and fuel.

If you have a money saving idea I would love to hear from you.