A COMMUNITY pub in Worcester is re-opening today under new management.

The Garibaldi in St John's has been taken over and is due to re-open after refurbishment work.

Running the pub is Worcester local Chris Morris, who has worked in the industry for the last 15 years.

He said: "I am nervous but excited about the re-opening.

"We have got all new decor and taken down the old dated mirrors and curtains.

"The fruit machine and pool table are coming back as well.

"We want the pub to be a blend of the traditional and modern, so it looks more new and clean on the inside while still keeping true to the community roots of the pub."

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Mr Morris, 32, only got the keys to the pub on November 6, and received help from neighbouring landlord Sebastian O'Donnell from the Bedwardine.

The pub is under the ownership of Admiral Taverns, who also own the Bedwardine.

Mr Morris added: I'd like to thank Seb and Laura from the Bedwardine, as well as my mum Joanne Lucas and Simon Jenkins, who have been a big help.

The Garibaldi officially re-opens at 2pm today.

Admiral’s business development manager, Rachael Dixon said: “Chris has an exceptional talent in the hospitality industry, and the community will be spoilt for choice with the Garibaldi Inn.

"Chris is already a real asset to the town, and I would highly recommend anyone in the area to test it out.”