A 69-year-old busker from Worcester has reached his target to raise funds for Worcester Foodbank.

Kelvin Green, now retired, aimed to raise £1,000 for the Foodbank and has reached his target after four months of busking in Crowngate Shopping Centre.

He has now set his target at £2,500 and plans to continue busking into the summer.

He said: “I’ve been playing and singing since I was seven years old, and I really enjoy it.

“I started busking for the foodbank in early December, just once or twice a week and the money keeps coming in.”

Kelvin has been busking in the square in Chapel Walk and by the pay stations in Friary Walk.

“I’ve had some really positive comments, and someone asked me the other week ‘have you got any records?’”

Foodbank manager, Grahame Lucas said: “We’re really grateful for Kelvin’s efforts.

"He’s had to spend a lot of time stood out in Crowngate.

“It’s a really good example of generosity and how people warm to what we’re doing and want to support us -Kelvin’s way of supporting us is different to many others.”

Kelvin is playing and hosting an event at the Berkeley Arms in St John's on Sunday, March 17 from 8-11pm with all funds going to the Foodbank.

The Foodbank now faces a big challenge with a 24 per cent increase in demand over the past few months due to the roll out of universal credits.

Mr Lucas said: “We predict demand will increase up to 50 per cent over the next 12 months.

“It’s a real challenge.

“In the last 12 months we’ve had 75 tonnes donated but will think that will have to rise to over 100 tonnes this next year.”