THESE pictures show the moment firefighters rescued a driver and her vehicle from a flooded ford. 

Fire crews were called to the scene in Earls Common Road, near Himbleton, Worcestershire, on Wednesday.

READ: Our original report on the driver becoming trapped in the water.

One of the crews helped the woman out of her car and took her to the riverbank on a raft.

She did not require medical treatment.

Martin Dluzanin, a 40-year-old delivery driver who saw the vehicle in the water, previously said: “The ford is too high.

"It’s 80cm high, for a safe crossing I think the maximum is 25cm.

“The rain has caused it to rise. The driver probably thought they could make it.”

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service sent three crews to the scene after receiving a report at 11.48am on Wednesday.