
Ever since the dawn of time, man (though not so much woman) has preferred to solve his personal & society's "problems" by violence, killing & war.  This is evidenced by the histories of the Greeks, Celts. & Romans etc. - written about by Shakespeare; and the British, Russians & Germans etc. - chronicled by Churchill; and our more-recent descent into dystopia - shown on TV, film & internet.  We are now fed with & desensitised by a daily diet of so-called news, which is basically uncensored & utterly ugly, bloody & horrific sights & sounds ...

These are directly targeted at us, not only daily in our papers, but also on radio & television, & now the internet - with 24/7 global coverage & personal access to "The horror !", "The horror!", to quote Joseph Konrad. We & our very young children are now invited to be "entertained" by an endless number of films & games depicting family break-up, abuse & violence, plus gang warfare, murder & police chases.  Additionally our families are also "treated" to warfare, rape & pillage in all its vile forms, plus the most gratuitous images of sex & pornography.  There is no concern for morality or respect or kindness or love, it is ALL a great money-making game !

In the olden days, access to this information was primarily through books & plays, therefore quite limited, & with 'minimal' effect.  However, we now have total round-the-clock access on radio, television, phones, laptops etc, even available to children as young as seven, if their parents are stupid enough.  Of course, all our politicians, programme makers, psychologists & social scientists tell us that none of this exposure can affect our individual consciousness, conscience, beliefs and/or behaviour - HOWEVER, we know differently ...

Over as little as fifty years we have become "dumbed down", desensitised, & propagandised by the very media that was to bring us "information, education & entertainment", as said Lord Reith.  It is little wonder that the Elephant in the room concerning knife crimes is the current acceptability of weaponisation & warfare as the best way to solve problems - at home & abroad.  BUT no-one even mentions this fact, as they thrash around for "solutions".  Certainly not the talking heads on Radio 4, not Cressida Dick, & certainly not Theresa (any excuse will do) May, whose primary aim as prime minister is to keep us all safe in our beds - what a sad & sick joke !
