A CITY road reopened on Tuesday night after a three-month closure.

Sansome Walk, in Worcester, was shut in January to enable the gas network Cadent to replace metallic pipes with long-standing plastic ones.

The work was due to finish at the end of January.

Speaking about the delay, a Cadent spokesman previously said: “This is to allow additional time for the gas mains to be renewed, which has involved additional works on ageing gas valves.

“Worcestershire Highways will be resurfacing the road in collaboration with us. We have also collaborated with Severn Trent Water, having discovered a leak on their network.

“This extension will also enable maintenance work to take place on electrical cables and bridge inspections by Network Rail on the railway bridge crossing Sansome Walk.

“By carrying out all these works together, under one road closure, it will avoid the need for separate road closures at different times."