A 'DANGEROUS' Worcester prisoner who attempted to murder his girlfriend launched a 'brutal' unprovoked attack on a fellow inmate.

Ex-soldier Scott Smith, who appeared at Worcester Crown Court on Monday, was warned by a judge he would spend the rest of his life in jail if he did not change his ways.

The 29-year-old, previously of Carlisle Road, Ronkswood, admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm after he punched, kicked and stamped on a fellow inmate in HMP Hewell on March 5, 2018.

The attack was so violent Smith left his footprint on the man's face, leading a judge to extend his prison sentence for the second time.

Smith has now attacked a prison officer and inmate while serving his sentence for attempted murder.

Smith was jailed for 15 years on August 30, 2011 for a knife attack on his then partner, Kirsty Holmes, who was told at the time it was 'pure luck' that she had survived.

He served with the 2nd Battalion the Mercian Regiment for two-and-a-half years where he was taught to use a bayonet and told the jury he had not intended to kill Miss Holmes with the knife.

Smith was 21 when he was convicted of attempted murder after stabbing her seven times in the back of the neck at 3.30am on January 16, 2011, narrowly missing vital arteries and the spinal column.

We reported at the time how Miss Holmes woke up in a pool of blood after the attack by Smith who had become 'jealous'.

On Monday, Giles Nelson, prosecuting, said Smith's prison sentence was further extended by two years on November 17, 2017.

This followed a wounding conviction after he attacked a custody officer in HMP Oakwood, causing a bleed on the brain and injuries to officer's eye, nose and gums.

Smith admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm against the inmate at Kidderminster Magistrates Court on January 8, 2019 following the attack on William Goldbey in HMP Hewell.

Mr Nelson said the prisoner was 'vulnerable', suffering from angina and epilepsy and told the judge: "It's a brutal attack."

Footage of the assault was played to the judge and showed Mr Goldbey with 'a bloody face'.

Mr Nelson said: "The Crown say this is an unprovoked attack. It's a savage attack with his fists. It was sustained.

"The victim was vulnerable. A weapon was used in the sense of the use of the foot. The prosecution say this was an assault that involved not only fists but use of feet – stamping."

Mr Nelson also argued that the offence was aggravated by Smith's previous convictions.

The court heard that Smith's release date had been set for October 19 next year and he would have been eligible for parole on February 19 next year.

The victim suffered pain to his face and ribs, double vision in his right eye and a footprint mark on the left hand side of his face.

Amanda O'Mara, defending, asked the judge to give Smith credit for his early guilty plea.

"Mr Smith is aware he has issues," said Miss O'Mara.

Recorder Timothy Raggatt QC told Smith: "You are someone who is facing the very real prospect - if you go on offending in the way you have, even when you're in prison - of literally spending the rest of your life in custody.

"You have a great many problems and you are dangerous in certain circumstances. This was a nasty assault."

The recorder said Smith had attacked Mr Goldbey on the basis of 'the word on the street which was plainly wrong'.

He jailed Smith for two years which will run consecutively to the extended sentence he is already serving.