THE jury in the Worcester acid attack trial will continue its deliberations for a third day.

The panel of six men and six women retired to consider verdicts shortly after 12.30pm on Monday following a six week trial at Worcester Crown Court. They continued their deliberations today and will resume them again tomorrow at 10am.

The alleged acid attack on a three-year-old boy happened in Home Bargains in Worcester at 2.16pm on Saturday, July 21 last year.

The seven defendants, including the child's father, deny conspiracy to apply a corrosive fluid with intent.

The particulars of the offence are that they conspired unlawfully or maliciously to cast or throw or otherwise apply to a minor a corrosive fluid with intent to burn, maim, disfigure or disable him or cause him grievous bodily harm between June 1 and July 22 last year.

The defendants are: The child's 40-year-old Afghan father who cannot be identified for legal reasons; Adam Cech, 27, of Farnham Road, Birmingham who squirted the acid; Norbert Pulko, 22, of Sutherland Road, London; Jan Dudi, 25, of Cranbrook Road, Birmingham; Jabar Paktia, 42, of New Hampton Road, Wolverhampton; Saied Hussini, 43, of Wrottesley Road, London; Martina Badiova, 23, of Newcome Road, Birmingham.

Proceedings were halted today while the jury asked two questions about Badiova, the last defendant on the list of seven defendants in the case.

They were told that text messages from Badiova which appeared as 'blank' were not considered relevant to the case.

The other question was regarding a message Badiova sent to a friend about acid being squirted on the boy's neck which will be clarified tomorrow as the jury continue their deliberations.