SIR – I was very interested to learn about the proposed redevelopment of the road system going through St John’s.

Anything that will alleviate the traffic problems on the west side of Worcester will certainly be very welcome as there are currently frequent tailbacks along Malvern Road as far as Pitmaston School due to the middle of St John’s being gridlocked.

However, I am concerned that an important safety aspect seems to have been overlooked. I refer to the traffic lights in the centre of St John’s.

At present, traffic coming from Bromyard Road and turning right into Malvern Road has great difficulty making that right turn. Frequently drivers have no alternative but to make the turn after the lights have changed to red which is not only dangerous but illegal.

Many residents who live in the Malvern Road area and Lower Wick travelling home from Bromyard Road have to make this dangerous right turn on a regular basis.

A green filter arrow at these lights would solve the problem and make the junction much safer.

Sue Smith

Labour Candidate for Bedwardine