A GROUP of volunteers have planted 200 new trees in an historic city park.

Members of Taskforce - a volunteer group which gives men with learning disabilities the chance to get involved with positive activities in the community - planted hawthorn, hazel, dogwood and blackthorn saplings in Cripplegate Park last week.

The trees have been planted to improve air quality and to make sure the city centre remains clean and green for future generations.

Councillor Joy Squires, chairman of Worcester City Council's environment committee, said: "Trees add greatly to the appearance of our city, and they are really loved by local people.

"I’d like to thank all the Taskforce volunteers for their help and support; they do fantastic work in Worcester parks and it’s very much appreciated.”

The new trees compliment 15 lime trees planted in the park last year to replace those felled during flood alleviation work in New Road.