SIR – On September 8 1978, aged 41, I was hit by a car up Tolladine Road.

Four drunken male maniacs on a stag night smashed into the wall and hit me on the path. Taken to hospital, I came out after four days and thought the worst was over.

When I claimed damages two years later, the solicitor said to me “Are you sure you wish to take money now as you have been involved in whiplash, and do not know what this will cause in later life”.

He was right.

On June 2 1990, I had a bad fall to the left elbow and for three months could not get it right.

Then in September it started like acid attacking the elbow, then acid pain started attacking the other elbow, then both knees.

Then waves of burning pains up both thighs which progressed to horrific indescribable pains head to toe which go on day and night, continuous for months, no end to it, till you think you are going insane.

It’s called fibromyalgia and pains could not be worse if dying of cancer.

I know I am clutching at straws, but since November 6, aggravated by cold winds and weather, it’s started up again and I am fighting for survival, locked in a living hell.

Does anyone know what might help this condition? If so please write to – Letters, Worcester News, or my address which is: Mr. Keith Hemming, 76 Rose Avenue, Tolladine, Worcester, WR4 9QY – I would be extremely grateful for any help.

K Hemming
