With post-Christmas/New Year credit card statements landing on the doormat, or the inbox, it’s shocking how much we spend over the festive season. Statistically, each of us shells out around £750 on food, transport, gifts and the other paraphernalia associated with Christmas and New Year.

Is it time to make some changes? Time to clear out the financial clutter?

Check your credit card and bank account and cancel any subscriptions that you no longer need or use. Maybe just give yourself a holiday, many providers will offer discounts on new subscriptions later in the year, you can always rejoin when the finances look healthier.

Write a list of all of your big spends: mortgage, insurances, utilities and don’t forget your mobile phone/Broadband bundle. Now hit the comparison websites to see if you are paying over the odds.

Loyalty to providers is thin on the ground, if you can find a cheaper quote tell your current provider, they may be able to match it and if the can’t, switching is easy.

Also, watch out for those add-on benefits that you don’t need. This applies particularly to house, car and travel insurance, which offer a huge range of extras, some of which you may be paying for but have no intention of ever using.

Now to your mobile phones and Broadband package. The easiest way to save on your mobile is go SIM only; perfect if you have reached the end of your contract as you own the phone and have the freedom to shop around.

It takes time, but using several comparison websites will help you to discover the best deals for your needs.

Here are a few to get you started:




