INTERNET safety for young people has been highlighted during a week-long series of activities as part of a Worcester school's attempts to safeguard and promote the welfare of its students.

Nunnery Wood High School, in Spetchley Road, ran a number of projects focusing on understanding and dealing positively with the risks associated with interactive technologies.

Deputy headteacher Jill Dillon said: "Although students are taught within their information communication technology lessons about the benefits and inherent dangers associated with using interactive technologies, the week provided a whole school focus to further develop and reinforce its students' understanding, awareness and resilience of interactive risks.

"The school worked closely with the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, a government organisation affiliated to the Serious Organised Crime Agency, to effectively mesh its educational resources into the week's activities."

During the week, all students received specific advice and guidance on how to minimise the risks associated with the internet, such as online predators and innappropriate websites.

Students also received guidance about the appropriate action to take if they perceive that a risk is present online.

Mrs Dillon said: "In addition to these activities, two parental briefing sessions took place, when parents were not only able to gain a child's perspective of interactive technologies but also received practical advice and guidance about how they can take protective measures at home to safeguard the welfare of their children."

Mrs Dillon said the school also produced a free CD of software and advice which parents were able to take away with them to study at home.

Internet safety is a huge issue for both schools and parents with several high profile cases in the national press recently where young people have been duped by adults.