Brian Draper gave us a lovely talk with stories about Ironbridge and Coalbrookdale at our September meeting.

He is a natural raconteur and mixes his talks with facts, information and humour which makes it very easy listening. There were not many questions for him as he seemed to cover everything we wanted to know on this very interesting part of our history. He was warmly thanked by our president Sylvia.

Thereafter we had a busy meeting, lots of items to discuss and monies to be collected for various functions.

Some of us visited Bevere Vivis Art Gallery and had a very pleasant afternoon, although rather wet, there were also attractive sculptures in the lovely garden.

Our garden party, also in August, was very well attended. We had lovely refreshments, scones with strawberries and cream, a raffle, spot prize and plant stall. Luckily it was a beautiful sunny morning which made it a most memorable day. Sheila Tapping was warmly thanked for being hostess in her colourful garden. Members are also visiting Kew Gardens, the autumn council meeting and our Worcester group meeting at the end of September.

We next meet on Wednesday, October 10, at the Pump House at 10am. Visitors very welcome, information on 01905 454478.