THE annual meeting of the Lower Broadheath Gardening Society was held recently in the village hall.

The chairman, John Norton, reminded members that the society was celebrating it 30th birthday and was still flourishing. Membership now stood at 37, a slight decrease on the previous year. There had been excellent speakers at the six monthly meetings, and two outside trips had been much enjoyed, even though the first outing had been so wet that the members were unable to see the garden at the destination (but took shelter in the local pub for a meal). The daytime outing to Sudeley Castle had been a great success.

The treasurer, Diana Fraser, reported that the annual show had made a profit of £76.99, almost twice the profit from the previous year, and the year ended with almost £1,300 in the bank. It was agreed to leave the annual subscription at £8, with the raffle costing 50p and the visitors' fee £2.

The annual show had been a great success, with 322 entries, 71 more than the previous year. This figure includes 42 entries from non-members.

John Norton remains chairman, with Ernest Wadge as vice-chairman, Diana Fraser as treasurer and Ian Edynbry as secretary. With Doreen Jones, membership secretary, and Shirley Crompton, this will be the committee for the following year.

Florence Rees and Peg Propert will continue to run the raffle, and Mary Grey and Sheila Ganderton will provide refreshments. Katherine Lane will continue to organise the seed order and expected to bring catalogues to the next meeting.

It was agreed to grant life membership to retiring secretary Barbara Taylor and her husband Tim.