President Hazel Barnes welcomed members of the Inner Wheel Club of Droitwich Spa to the September meeting at the Raven Hotel, the first meeting of the year after the summer break.

Last year's president, June Bodger, had the pleasant task of presenting a cheque for £600, raised during her second year in office, to David Harrison from the County Air Ambulance Service.

He expressed his thanks on behalf of the service, and gave a brief resume of the work involved, with three helicopters and nine crew paramedics on standby and duty every day. The area covered by our County Air Ambulance takes in seven million people and the service is mostly funded by voluntary donations.

Following supper, member Di Sutch organised a quiz based on names of towns. During the business meeting, fund-raising and social events were discussed, and a letter of thanks from St Richard's Hospice for the recipe book cheque was read out. The next meeting is on Monday, October 15.