Robert Markham made his third visit to the society on September 28, but on the two previous occasions he had accompanied other musicians - a violinist and a violist. Each time he had greatly impressed members, and there were many requests to book him as a soloist.

He agreed to come to Kidderminster on September 28, to perform the 36th recital presented by the society in Kidderminster Library.

Robert began his programme with Haydn's Variations in F Minor, written in 1793. Next came the Sonata in F minor (L'Invocation) by Dusek, a Bohemian composer, who is comparatively little known. This item was unknown previously to most of the audience, but was much enjoyed. The first half ended with Five Mazurkas by Chopin.

The second half comprised Robert Schumann's Davidsbundlertanze, and the ever-popular paraphrase on Verdi's Rigoletto.

As an encore, Robert chose Schubert's Adagio I n E.

On October 12, Moira Brown will present a programme of recorded music by Saint-Saens, at Holy Innocents community centre, Kidderminster, starting at 7.30pm. As always, visitors will be welcome.

For further details of this or any other society event, contact vice-chairman Von Steward on 01562 755990, or visit the website for details of events until the end of the year at VON STEWART