TRYING to cut traffic congestion in cities such as Worcester is as necessary as it is controversial. The reality is that most people simply do not want to give up their cars.

While there have been some improvements in public transport in recent years, the integrated transport strategy promised by the Government a decade ago has not materialised fully.

Everyone knows, however, that we cannot continue to push more and more cars on to the roads. Worcester comes to a standstill on a fairly regular basis and that situation can only worsen.

That is why we welcome car sharing, park-and-ride schemes and the like.

Other more draconian schemes such as London's congestion charge have been effective but unpopular.

The introduction of a pay-as-you-go car hire scheme in Worcester is a good idea. The low-emission cars can be hired for £4.95 an hour and have proved extremely successful in other parts of the country.

The scheme - essentially a car club - aims to reduce the need for families to own second cars. Businesses can also use them as pool cars.

How this scheme will be received in Worcester will be interesting. We cannot keep burying our heads in the sand on this issue.

Six of these pay-as-you-go cars will be available for hire in the next few weeks.

We urge people to give them a go. If it is successful it could at least start us on the long journey towards a less congested city centre.