FOOTBALLERS in Worcester will unite to help stamp racism out of the game.

Teens and adults will have the chance to show off their soccer skills in a tournament organised as part of a series of national events linked to the Kick Racism out of Football initiative.

The six-a-side tournament, which will be held at Perdiswell Soccer School, Perdiswell Leisure Centre in Bilford Road, Worcester on Sunday, October 28, is open to teams aged 16 and over.

Peter MacKenzie-Shaw, sports development officer for Worcester City Council said: "We hope to use the event to celebrate the contribution made to football by black, Asian and other ethnic minorities, whilst continuing the call to challenge racism.

"We have worked in partnership with the Worcestershire Football Association and Leisure Connection many times to increase the development of sport.

"Hopefully, this initiative will not only increase participation in sport but will bring attention to such a worth while campaign and hopefully help Kick Racism out of Football."

Up to nine players can be named in each squad and entry is £5 per team.

The tournament will take place between 10am and 1.30pm, with registration at 9.45am - teams must be changed and ready to play.

All teams will receive a gift with a special presentation to the winners taking place at 1.45pm.

Booking is essential and must be done by Monday, October 22. Call Lisa Hollis on 01905 827261 for an application form.

The national campaign is supported and funded by the game's governing bodies, including founding body the Professional Footballers Association, the FA Premier League, the Football Foundation and The Football Association.