250 years ago: LAST Tuesday afternoon a quarrel happened at New Town, a village about a mile from hence, between a Shoe Maker of this City of Worcester and a Carpenter of that Village, in which it is supposed some blows passed, and the former dying yesterday in the afternoon, the Carpenter is secured in the Bridewell till the Inquest has heard the evidence and brought in a Verdict.

* Yesterday morning a poor man in this city, who had been ill some time and not in his right mind, stabbed himself in such a manner that he died soon after.

* Last Friday morning, as Mr Darby's Kidderminster Stage Waggon was coming through the River Avon near Evesham Bridge, it overset and much difficulty was experienced in saving the horses. Great part of the goods in the waggon were very much damaged.

200 years ago: HIS Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, with a large party of the Nobility, is expected to arrive at Ombersley Court, the seat of the Marchioness of Downside, at eight o'clock this evening. We understand His Royal Highness has been graciously pleased to signify that he shall be extremely happy to receive a deputation of the Corporation of Worcester, and it is presumed it will then be settled when the Royal party will visit this city. The Prince will be received in this city with the honours due to his rank, both civil and military. The Military will consist of the Regiment of Worcester and three battalions of the Birmingham Volunteers, in the whole upwards of 2,500. The scene is expected to be one of the most grand of any witnessed in this city for many years. A Grand Entertainment will be given tomorrow at Ombersley Court for its illustrious visitors.

150 years ago: "THE Beauchamp Almshouses" - An appeal was decided in the House of Lords this week relating to a bequest of the late Earl Beauchamp. He directed that £60,000 be applied in building almshouses on the hamlet of Newland for poor men and women, members of the Church of England who had been employed in agriculture and reduced by sickness and infirmity. The House of Lords, by a unanimous judgment, sustained the bequest which will be a great benefit to the poor persons for whom it was intended. The previous judgments of the courts below had set aside this praiseworthy desire of his lordship and would have deprived the objects of this charity of the benefit intended for them.

* General Tom Thumb - A visit from this world renowned manikin to this city is announced for next week. Though 19 years old, he is stated to be only 31 inches in height. His levees will doubtless be numerously attended by the curious.

100 years ago: * "Attempted Suicide in Worcester - Exciting Scene on the Quay" - There was considerable excitement near Worcester Bridge on Thursday night when Edward Durnford (39), no occupation of Victoria Road, Worcester, attempted suicide. He jumped from the east quay near the crane, a drop of about 12ft into the water. There were plenty of people about and it was not long before several men caught the man's clothing with a long boat hook. There Durnford hung for about a minute, apparently endeavouring to get his head under water. Seeing these efforts, the men drew him up higher but he succeeded in struggling to free himself and fell back. There were loud cries but the men with the boat hook again fished Durnford out and proceeded to draw him up. He kicked and squirmed but was drawn on to the quay where he was removed to the police station. He appeared before the city magistrates yesterday charged with attempting to commit suicide and was committed in custody to stand trial at the Quarter Sessions.