I WONDER where Tessa Jowell spent her summer holidays this year. No, on second thoughts, I don't give a monkey's cuss where she roasted her cellulite or guzzled that old vino tinto suffice to say it will almost certainly have been a continental resort abounding with examples of pavement society culture.

Those of us who delight in hopping over the Channel invariably rejoice at the prospect of enjoying a glass or three, sitting in the sun - or not, as the case may be - and generally watching the world go by.

It is with a mixture of relief and regret that we reflect on the fact that such simple pleasures are not possible in our own country. The trouble is that no one seems to have informed Tessa Jowell.

You will no doubt recall that it was this particular Blair babe who pushed through the 24-hour drinking legislation. At the time, Government ministers claimed that round-the-clock opening would reduce crime. Former culture secretary Jowell, who pushed through the law in the teeth of massive opposition, said crime would fall as Britain adopted a continental-style café culture.

The Government recently published its own research into the relaxation of opening hours, which revealed that there were 1,087,000 violent attacks by drunks in the first full year - up 64,000 on the previous 12 months.

This summer has witnessed unprecedented levels of violence on our streets. A man was killed remonstrating with youths dropping litter, a middle-aged father died after confronting yobs outside his home and a chief constable has spoken of his despair as police officers wage a nightly war against thugs terrorising communities.

Anyway, Tessa Jowell, I hope you enjoyed your absurdly long parliamentary recess. During your absence, the more modesty remunerated of your constituents had to stand by as your law brought anarchy to Britain's streets.