SOLDIERS from Worcestershire have finally arrived home after fighting on the frontline in southern Afghanistan.

About 100 troops from 2nd Battalion Mercian Regiment (Worcesters and Foresters) had an emotional reunion with families and friends after a seven-hour flight from Kandahar, arriving at East Midlands Airport on Saturday night.

The troops, from the battalion's C Company, based in Lashkar Gah, were among some of the first soldiers to return from the regiment's six-month tour of duty in Helmand province.

Among those was Private Simon Gresty, of Stoulton.

The 22-year-old said he would be partying as well as resting now his first tour was over.

"It's great to be back," he said.

He was over the moon to see his girlfriend of nine months, 19-year-old Lucy Griffiths.

"It's brilliant," he added. "I've been waiting a long time to see her. It's been hard."

Also waiting at the airport was his brother, 20-year-old Jamie and dad, 50-year-old Dave.

His mum Sue Hemming said it had been an emotional time.

"It has been six months of pent-up worry and it's all coming out now," said the 44-year-old.

"When you watch the news and someone has been injured or killed you go straight to teletext and you just feel relief that it's not yours, but guilt that it's somebody else's loved one.

"It's so many mixed feelings - you just want to be with them.

"It's been the hardest time of my life."

Major Paul Gilby, officer commanding C Company said the welcome was overwhelming.

"It's taken us four days to get back and it's been emotional, but we are home at last," he said.

"This is what the fighting spirit is all about.

"It's knowing that we have the backing here at home from the families.

"The soldiers themselves are awe inspiring - they faced their fears and the enemy in a professional and fantastic manner."

Meanwhile, soldiers from the battalion's A Company and B Company, who have been based in the Upper Gereshk Valley are expected to return home later this month.

Nine comrades lost their lives during the conflict, reinforcing calls by your Worcester News to award our soldier's with a special medal with a clasp on it. Our campaign was backed by parents of soldiers, the Royal British Legion, local councillors and MPs. It has since been sent to the Government from which we are still awaiting a reply.