A 63-year-old man was left in a pool of blood after a building worker burst into his home bent on revenge.

Mark Davis was angry over false rumours that he had beaten his pregnant partner.

He blamed his neighbours for the accusation and attacked Roger Limb by punching him in the face.

While the victim lay unconscious, Davis picked him up and struck him another blow in his face in front of his disabled wife, Worcester Crown Court heard.

Davis, aged 26, of Lower Road, Ledbury, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm.

He was jailed for six months.

The defendant had been drinking in the town on July 13 when he decided to go round to the couple's house in Queen's Court at 11.30pm.

Davis, who was then living in the same street, barged in and started shouting abuse, said Paul Whitfield, prosecuting.

Margaret Limb was pushed aside and her husband came down the hall when he heard the commotion.

He was knocked down and his wife went to the bathroom to fetch a towel to staunch the blood which was forming a pool by his head.

But she saw Davis land a second blow and told police: "I thought he'd killed my husband," said Mr Whitfield.

Mrs Limb went to her daughter's home nearby for help while in an hysterical state.

Her husband suffered jaw injuries and a badly cut lip which needed stitches.

Davis, who had a police record for battery and abusive behaviour, had felt a sense of injustice over the rumours, said John Mannion, defending.

He added: "What he did that night was shocking and unacceptable. Whatever his belief, it was unjustified.

"His growing anger was fuelled by alcohol and he deeply regrets it."

Davis was a good family man, he stressed, and had never been violent to his partner, a mother of two.

Judge Alistair McCreath said there was no evidence to suggest Mr Limb ever spread rumours about the defendant.

Instead of taking the sensible course and "sleeping on it", Davis had mounted a frightening and serious attack "in five minutes of madness".