THE nights are drawing in and the famed ghost walk of Worcester is back.

Running every Friday and Saturday night, from tonight, until April, the walk through Worcester starts outside the Guildhall, High Street, at 8pm.

As the phantom guide, played by professional local actor Steve Quick, leads groups through the spooky streets of the city, he recounts tales of blood, gore and ghostly goings on.

For the faint hearted - and under 12s - the children's ghost walk of Worcester takes place every Friday at 5.30pm.

Led by energetic ghostbuster Skell, who is on a mission to rid the city of pesky ghouls, the walk is an exciting, action-packed and involving night out - and a great alternative birthday party.

Skell, played by actor Jared Thomas, meets the children on the outside Guildhall, well equipped with his high tech ghost detecting and ghost-eliminating equipment and takes them on patrol through the city centre.

Worcester Live, the company behind the walk, describe it as a great way for children aged six to 11 to learn a more about the fascinating history of Worcester while having fun.

The children's ghost walk of Worcester runs every Friday night at 5.30pm and all children must be accompanied all children.

For tickets - £5 for the children's ghost walk and £8.50 for the normal ghost walk - call the Worcester Live box office on 01905 611427.

The adult walk is suitable for children aged 12 and over and last just under two hours.