WHETHER it's next month or next year there is no doubt that the starting pistol has been fired for the next general election. The two main political parties have completed their annual conferences and set out their stalls to the electorate.

Gordon Brown talked of trust at the Labour conference last week while David Cameron talked of belief at the Conservative conference yesterday.

Trust and belief - these will be the key words in the next election campaign. Voters must decide whether they trust and believe in Mr Brown more than they do Mr Cameron.

New policies have been thrown around like confetti during the last fortnight.

Funds to make hospitals cleaner, cutting stamp duty, a personal tutor for every secondary school pupil, raising the inheritance tax threshold to £1 million, £670 million-worth of new youth centres, scrapping ID cards.

A host of new ideas all pointing to one reality - that the difference between Labour and the Tories on key policy issues such as the economy are wafer-thin.

Can you remember which party is behind each of the promises listed above?

The days of Far Right and Far Left are long gone. Today personality rules.

That is why Mr Brown and Mr Cameron spent so much of their speeches talking about themselves and their suitability to lead the country.

Who do you trust?

Who do you believe? The choice will be yours.