People in need of information and advice will get a more efficient service in Worcester after the Citizens Advice Bureau became one of the first in the country to operate a new appointments system this week.

The bureau in The Hopmarket previously worked on a first come, first served drop-in service which was thought to be the fairest and fastest way to see the most people. But it did mean that sometimes there could be a long wait to see an adviser.

Now, with the bureau seeing an average of 1,500 clients every month, manager Michael Gardner has decided to be one of the first to operate a new system of appointments.

"We are one of the first in the country to introduce this system," he said. "We believe it is a more efficient, more professional and, most importantly, a more client-centred service for the modern client." The appointments system has been tested in a successful trial period and has been in operation full-time since Monday. Anyone needing free information and advice can call in and see a trained adviser who will assess exactly how they can be given the best assistance. They can then make an appointment to see a fully-trained volunteer adviser for a full appointment.

"For the first time, the bureau is able to offer the most suitable service to people who work full time, for example, and might want to call in during their lunch time," Mr Gardner said.

As well as the general advisers who deal with every kind of query, appointments can be made for caseworkers specialising in debt, welfare benefits, housing and financial advice. The bureau has also increased opening times and is now open from 9.30am to 4pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Appointments can be made to see specialist caseworkers on Thursdays. As well as calling in, appointments can be made by dialling 01905 611371 or e-mailing bureau

The bureau has two training managers, Alison Maynard and Rachel Leather, who are always on the lookout for new volunteers.

"Advising is a rewarding role and a way of giving something back to your local community," Rachel said.

If you think you have some spare time and are interested in becoming a volunteer with the Citizens Advice Bureau, give Ms Maynard or Ms Leather a call on 10905 744952 to find out more details.