A LIVING memorial has been established at the county Young Farmers headquarters near Worcester to a man who became a bedrock of the organisation and its activities in the area.

About 40 friends and colleagues turned up to a ceremony at the Young Farmers Worcestershire Federation HQ, Shires Farm, Hawford, where Gordon Tyler's ashes were scattered at the base of an oak tree sapling on Sunday, September 30.

Mr Tyler, who was born in Worcester and went to Worcester Royal Grammar school, died last year aged 83.

He was a county YFC vice-president for 13 years and later a life vice-president.

He was the main driving force behind the establishment of a county YFC headquarters and pledged £1,000 of his own money to kick-start the project. Mr Tyler devoted much of his spare time to Worcester Young Farmers, which he joined in 1942 and held the position of club leader for 27 years.

The memorial ceremony took place around the oak sapling which had been transplanted from Mr Tyler's garden at his request.

It was lead by Doug Cox, a personal friend from Kempsey, with tributes from county YFC president David Fellows, vice-president John Fellows and national president Lionel Hill.

County YFC youth worker Ms Serena Marshall said: "The event was about cherished memories.

"There were a lot of Gordon's old photos of Young Farmers events on display. It brought a few tears to some eyes and brought back some happy memories. "