THE mother of a 58-year-old man born with brain damage said she fears for her son's future if the Worcester day centre he uses is closed down.

Worcestershire County Council is launching a consultation on plans to reconfigure three day centres because it says they are under-used.

But 81-year-old Audrey Everton, whose son David attends Perryfields Day Centre five days a week, said she was devastated by the plans.

She said: "If Perryfields was to close then David would have to go to Cherry Orchard or Pershore, I guess. But how long before they close as well? These services have already been cut over the years and it makes you wonder where it will stop.

"The day centre is David's life and I really worry what would happen if he could not go there. He loves going."

Mrs Everton, of Florence Avenue, Droitwich, pays £36.70 towards to cost of her son's care at the centre. But when he is at home she has to cope all alone.

"Obviously I am not as mobile as I used to be now that I am 81," she said.

"When David is at the day centre it gives me chance to get my housework done, do the shopping and get meals prepared for him."

Mrs Everton said the carers at the centre helped her son to lead as normal a life as possible, taking him shopping and on days out - things she is not able to do any longer.

The county council is looking at three options for the future of Perryfields, Cherry Orchard Day Centre in Worcester and Station Road Day Centre in Pershore - for them to continue as they are, close one Worcester centre, or close the Pershore and one Worcester centre.

It says there are a number of satellite centres that provide good facilities and services that could be utilised more efficiently.

Jennie Bashforth, director of adult and community services, told the council's cabinet last week: "There is currently significant under-occupancy within the three main day centres."

l Are you a user of the day centres? Contact the Worcester News with your views.