MORE than 2,000 people in Worcester are afraid to use the internet, according to new research but help is on hand in the city.

The study, carried out by UK Online centres, suggest one in 33 people in the city are web-phobes and a further one in 17 admit they lack confidence online.

UK Online, a nation-wide organisation that aims to provide everyone in the UK with access to computers, say there is a generation of adults with internet phobia, a problem which is holding them back from taking advantage of the information, opportunities and benefits the internet can provide.

In a bid to help web-phobes face their fears, UK Online has organised Get Online Day.

Directed at parents, who face the specific problem of not being able to help their children with internet-based homework, the event will show them that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Managing director of UK Online Helen Milner said: "So many people are missing out because they don't use the internet.

"We want people to see that getting online isn't scary at all - it can save time, hassle and money and you can even have fun in the process."

There are five UK Online centres in Worcester - at the YMCA, in Henwick Road; St John's Library, in Glebe Close; University of Worcester, in Henwick Road; Worcester Library, in Foregate Street; and Worcester College of Technology, Deansway.

To find out more call free on 0800 77 1234 or visit www.