A TEACHER has flown half-way across the world especially to work at a Worcester school.

Jason Broderick is from New Zealand, but when he saw the post of head of games at King's Hawford School advertised, he packed his family on to the next plane out of there.

The 28-year-old is now revelling in his post, passing on his passion for rugby, as well as teaching children a host of other sports and supporting them in their school life.

"I arrived in England about a week before the start of term," he said. "I am so thrilled to have been given the position here at King's Hawford. It is so different to any school in New Zealand and the kids are just fantastic."

Mr Broderick has moved to Bevere with his wife Danelle, nine-year-old daughter Hope, and 11-month-old son Phoenix.

In New Zealand he ran his own business specialising in learning difficulties in children, providing help, guidance and support. "I have been involved in teaching for about seven years," he said.

"I was following a career in rugby for a while but I was never going to be an All Black.

"I used to teach children rugby and I realised that I really loved the teaching side and pursued that career instead."

Mr Broderick said he had considered setting up his own school in New Zealand but saw the post advertised in Worcester and decided a move to the UK was the best decision.

"I love England," he said. "I had been here once before, when I spent about nine months in Nottingham. I always wanted to come back here and this was the perfect opportunity.

"Everything here is so different to New Zealand. New Zealand is a lot more laid back. But in England there is so much fantastic history.

I am still wandering around in awe of the place. It feels like I'm on a very long holiday."

Mr Broderick said he hoped to establish a positive relationship with the children at the school, as well as parents and was looking forward to his future in the city.