Maureen Matthews welcomed members and one visitor to the September meeting.

It was agreed to send a letter of thanks to the guide who showed our party around Highgrove. We all enjoyed the gardens and the visit to the village of Tetbury.

She also reminded members that next month's meeting was the annual meeting and asked if anyone would like to join the committee. The present committee had agreed to continue for another year.

The tickets for the theatre in November were given out and names were taken for members who wanted to see Worcester Operatic and Dramatic Society stage Oliver in October at the Swan.

Maureen introduced the speakers for the evening, Christine Hickman Smith and Valerie Wood, who had brought items from the WI craft collection. They were some of the earliest samples the WI has, one of them being more than 100 years old.

Christine described the items which included tray cloths, gloves, pictures, lace, baby dresses and bags. The crafts shown included smocking, tatting, macramé, crochet, embroidery and several other skills.

She also showed us some of the jewellery she had made when she went on a course to Denman College, including a silver ring and bracelet and some beadwork bracelets.

Christine Williams thanked both of our speakers for a very interesting evening.

The competition for a holiday tea towel was judged, with Maureen's towel of Clovelly in Devon the winner.

The kitchen in the hall has been completely re-done with new units, oven, flooring and so on. It does look really good and a pleasure to work in. There were more than seven prizes in the raffle, the first ticket drawn belonged to Valerie, one of our speakers. We meet every third Wednesday in St Mark's Church Hall. Visitors and new members are most welcome.