IT was quiz time again at Comer WI, with Viv Jackman, president, welcoming teams from Broomhall, North Claines, the Pumphouse, Gheluvelt, Oak Apple and Swanpool.

A special welcome went to visitors Dot Banner and Kathryn Templeton and, of course, to all the Comer group, hopefully refreshed after the summer break in August.

Business matters were kept to a minimum, but time enough to give Eileen Grayson good wishes for a special birthday early in October, the occasion being marked with a pot plant.

Correspondence, as always, was rather lengthy. Jackie Taylor, secretary, informed the group of many forthcoming events. She also reminded members that diaries and calendars that had been ordered would be ready for collection at the October meeting.

Following the success of last year's quiz night, it was a pleasure to meet again Nick Jackman (the president's husband) as quizmaster. As expected, the evening proved to be most entertaining, educational and lots of fun and even though at times rather noisy, Nick was able to keep good order with good-humoured banter flowing back and forth.

The questions were well organised and diverse, challenging both long and short-term memories. The overall winners were the Pumphouse team. Nick was thanked and applauded for his gallant effort and presented with a bottle of wine in appreciation.

Refreshments were prepared and served by the committee and well received. The very generous raffle prizes were distributed among eager winners.

The evening came to an end with Viv reminding the group that the October 17 meeting would be the AGM, with Suzanne Owen overseeing the procedure. It will open at 7.30pm in St David's Institute, Comer.