DEBT in Worcester has increased by more than a third, and the head of city's Citizen's Advice Bureau has warned that it is a growing problem, with some people more than £100,000 in the red.

The CAB has seen a 35 per cent increase in the number of people seeking debt advice since last year and estimate the average debt of people seeking advice is £13,000. In the last 12 months they have dealt with £6.4 million of debt.

Michael Gardner, manager of the Citizens Advice Bureau said the picture in the city is bleak.

He said: "There is a lot of misery around with debt and it is a real concern. It is definitely a big a growing problem in Worcester," said Michael Gardner, manager of the Citizens Advice Bureau.

In the past year, debt caseworkers at the CAB have dealt with 650 individual cases, some with six figured debt.

Julie Watts, Money Advice Caseworker for the CAB, blamed easy credit in the form of credit cards and store cards as a problem affecting all age groups: She said: "People as young as 18 are able to get credit cards and then do not manage the repayments.

"Students also have problems, and there are people whose circumstances change, they might lose their job or have a relationship breakdown. Debt is also affecting pensioners, 14 per cent of the inquiries from the over 65s are relating to debt."

Age Concern, a UK charity working for older people, has also noticed the increase in the number of Worcestershire pensioners seeking money advice. A quarter of the 300 pensioners who contact the charity every month are seeking advice on finances or benefits.

Angela Webber, Information Manager for Age Concern Herefordshire and Worcestershire said."Pensioners are on a relatively fixed income and their pensions are not going up in line with earnings. So they might keep the same out-goings but their income cannot sustain it. Age Concern are concerned that the numbers of pensioners getting into debt is going to increase."

The CAB have also noticed an increase in the number of people unable to meet their mortgage repayments due to recent interest rate hikes.

"There has been an increase in people being more than one month behind with their mortgage repayments. The interest rates going up is going to have a big affect and we are going to see more re-possessions," said Miss Watts.

If you are having debt problems the CAB advise you to act on it sooner rather than later. "The longer you leave it the worse it will get," said Miss Watts.

The Citizen Advice Bureau gives the following advice for people in debt: 1) Make a list of your debts, the money you owe and to whom.

2) Work out your budget by listing all the expenses and income in your household.

3) Sort out your priority debts.

4) Sort out your non-priority debts.

Alternatively visit your local branch and speak to them.

Citizen Advice Bureau Worcester: 01905 611371.