AMBITIOUS plans for a unique library and history centre in the heart of Worcester have taken a step closer to becoming a reality.

Worcestershire County Council's cabinet has approved its share of funding towards the £56.3 million scheme.

It will contribute £6.62 million. The largest part of the funding - £36.8 million - is coming from a Private Finance Initiative (PFI), for which the council is now preparing to go out to tender.

The three firms chosen to bid for the contract are Alfred McAlpine/Kajima, Galliford Try and Information Resources Kier Project Investments. Patrick Birch, director of corporate services at the council, said: "We are looking to go out to tender in October. We hope to get all of the designs in by February. Then we will spend the bulk of 2008 selecting a bidder.

"By the middle of 2009 we hope to sign the contracts and it will then take two years to build. The centre would open in mid-2011.

"All three submissions were of a very high quality and all three participants have already invested significant time and energy in understanding the objectives and researching the details."

Advantage West Midlands has committed £7 million and contributions have also been made by Worcester City Council and the University of Worcester, which is developing a second campus on the neighbouring site.

Coun Stephen Clee, cabinet member for corporate services, said: "This is an exciting project and a great deal of work has gone into it. This investment will create thousands of new jobs."

The scheme will see a joint university and public library, children's library, county record office and archaeological services all under one roof in the Butts.