Why not take the opportunity to explore Ravenshill Woodland Reserve on this beautiful walk from Knightwick? Established in the 1970s by the late Elizabeth Barling, the reserve is privately owned, but open to the public from 9am to 4pm daily, September to March (9am-7pm April-August).

There is a small entrance fee to help cover costs, and an honesty box to put it in. There are plenty of paths to choose from and these are shown on a map situated near the entrance. Also near the entrance is a discovery centre', aimed at both children and adults, with lots of information about wildlife.

There are books, wallcharts and specimens to look at, while recent wildlife sightings are recorded to give an idea of what you might see. Adjacent to the centre there are picnic tables and a car park, and water is provided for dogs, which must be kept under close control in the nature reserve.

The reserve consists of 50 acres of semi-natural ancient woodland, with a mixture of broadleaved and coniferous trees. As you would expect, it's a good place to see birds, with resident species ranging from blue tit to sparrowhawk. Mammals are plentiful too, and include squirrel, fox and roe deer. Butterflies such as red admiral and speckled wood populate the rides and clearings, while the presence of water means that spectacular dragonflies and damselflies are present from April to October.

One of the tree species found at Ravenshill is the small-leaved lime, an indicator of ancient woodland, and you will also see many more of these magnificent trees at other points in the walk. The finest ones border the path which climbs from Hill Orchard to the top of Round Hill, and there are several more beside an old holloway which runs from Hayley Dingle Road to the impressive viaduct which carried the now-dismantled Worcester to Bromyard railway. Also towering over the holloway are some huge poplars, while an abundance of hollies, ferns and mosses adds to the beauty of this wonderful old path.

Factfile/p Start: The Suckley/Alfrick turn at Knightwick, grid ref SO731558.

Length: Six miles/9.5km approximately (depending on choice of route in Ravenshill Wood).

Maps: OS Explorer 204, OS Landranger 150.

Terrain: Woodland, pasture and arable; one moderate ascent and one steep but partially stepped descent; very muddy in places even in dry weather.

Footpaths: One path is overgrown and waymarking is patchy, but work is currently in progress in places, indicated by recently installed steps and gates, so more improvements should follow soon.

Stiles: Five.

Parking: Behind the bus shelter on the old road near Knightwick Butcher's Shop.

Buses: 420 Worcester-Hereford service, daily; www.herefordbus.info or Traveline 0871 200 2233.

Refreshments: The Talbot Inn is just 300m from the starting point, across the Teme footbridge, and locally grown fruit is available at the butcher's.

DIRECTIONS1 Take the Suckley road then fork left towards Lulsley and Alfrick. Join a path on the left after 500m and walk past Osebury Rock (the tree-covered cliff on your right). Beyond the cliff, and approaching the end of a long narrow field, look for a stile on the right and follow a mown path to the second gate on the left. Keep left along a field edge until a small gate gives access to a driveway. Turn right, then soon right again at the entrance to Lulsley Court. Walk to a junction and turn left on Hill Road.2 Turn left on to Hayley Dingle Road, a byway marked by a black waymark arrow and the words public road'. After about 800m, having passed a wood, you'll see two adjacent footpaths on the right: take the second one. Walk through a wood of young ash trees then join an ancient holloway which leads to a former railway viaduct. Pass under the viaduct and turn left along the edge of a field to meet a driveway.3 Turn right, then soon right again at a waymarked junction, joining a bridleway - the blue arrow has been removed but tyre tracks indicate the line of the bridleway. Pass through a gate and keep to the left edge of a field. Ignore a footpath branching left at a gate and proceed to another gate at a bridleway junction. Go diagonally right across a large field to the corner of a wood. Turn left along the edge and walk to the Alfrick road.4 Turn right to Ravenshill Woodland Reserve. Consult the map on the site and choose from one of the nature trails available. After exploring the reserve, continue along the road a little further before taking a footpath next to Hill Orchard. The path is enclosed between hedges at first and is narrow and overgrown until it enters woodland. Keep going uphill on what is now a good path. Eventually, having passed a field which borders the wood, go left at a junction, marked only by yellow sticky tape on a tree. Keep climbing, then turn left at the top, near a house.

5Turn right to meet the Worcestershire Way. Turn right again, following it across the top of Round Hill. After 900m, as you draw level with a farm on your right, cross a stile on the left and go downhill on a formerly very steep path which has recently been partially stepped to make the descent much easier. Cross a stile to a field and go straight down. Pass under the dismantled railway and then keep left through an uneven, marshy field. Continue straight across another field, through a new gate then along a holloway to meet a lane near Knightwick Chapel. Turn right, and then soon right again to return to the start of the route.