Plant evergreens, provided we do not have a prolonged dry spell.

Take camellia cuttings from vigorous, mature bushes.

As stakes and canes come free from cleared crops, remove them from the soil and clean and dry them before storing.

Plant and transplant lilies outside.

Order new fruit trees, bushes or cane fruits, as some varieties may not be available later.

Finish cutting out fruited shoots of nectarines and tying in the replacements on fan-trained trees.

Remove the shading wash from your greenhouse glass if you haven't done so before. If the weather becomes hot, use paper or fleece to protect young and tender seedlings and cuttings.

Reduce watering and feeding of house and conservatory plants as growth slows down and flowering stops.

Plant waterside primulas, and other bog garden plants which were pricked out in May, in their permanent positions.