- WITH the exception of its wildlife programmes, the BBC serves very little purpose these days.

There is a scarcity of good comedy programmes and sitcoms and cheap reality shows are now the order of the day. It's therefore high time the compulsory poll tax that is the TV licence was abolished. The BBC would then be subject to market forces like the rest of the media - and mediocrity would then find its right level.

It would also halt the fascist threats campaigns that are a feature of the televised warnings of what will happen to viewers who fail to cough up the tax. The BBC has for too long been an agent of the state and should be allowed to take its chances.

- THIS year marked the end of Worcestershire's links with the history of the British Army.

New Labour loathes tradition - especially the military variety. The deaths of working class young men in the Middle East will only become an electoral liability if the eventual withdrawal from Iraq is delayed for any reason.

Every politician should be forced to read Rudyard Kipling's observations on the subject - and perhaps gain a little humility.