THE number of abused and neglected children in Worcestershire at risk has risen by almost a third, new figures reveal.

A total of 285 youngsters were the subject of a made the subject of a Child Protection Plan as of March 31 this year.

The previous year there were 195 and in 2005 175.

The figures released by the Department of Children, Schools and Families reveal that of those 285 youngsters made subject of a Child Protection Plan, 140 were due to neglect, 80 were because of emotional abuse, 30 because of sexual abuse, 25 because of physical abuse and the rest because of either multiple or other reasons.

Coun Liz Eyre, Worcestershire County Council's cabinet member for children's services, said the rise was partly down to a change in society, as well as more robust action taken by the authority.

"Everyone is aware that there is a lot more evidence of a broken society today," she said. "Sadly more children are subjected to neglect or abuse. But Worcestershire is a strong authority and is 100 per cent committed to dealing with child protection.

"What we have to look at is whether we are making too many children the subject of a plan. But I would rather be over cautious and make sure children are getting the necessary level of care."

A Child Protection Plan is an individual plan made for a child about how best to deal with their particular circumstances or needs.

Mrs Eyre said: "Say a child is not being fed and clothed properly at home, then we would look at how we can solve that problem and support the parent. Or if a child is being abused in some way, we will look at what needs to be done, for example, whether the child needs to be removed from its home."

A total of 2,570 children were referred to social services in Worcestershire in the past year.