PARENTS in Worcester have proved they are more switched on than most when it comes to TV licensing for the student sons and daughters.

According to new research, nationally more than a quarter of parents, 26 per cent, surveyed did not realise a licence is needed for students to watch TV in their own room in university halls of residence.

But clued-up Worcester parents who were surveyed bucked the national trend - with only eight per cent unaware of the requirements .

Some 1,000 freshers will begin university life in Worcester this autumn, with those not correctly licensed as they start the new term running the risk of prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000.

But when it comes to bailing their children out financially, parents would draw the line at paying the fine if their child was caught watching TV without a licence.

Nearly half of parents, 48 per cent, surveyed claimed they would not be prepared to pay the fine, with more mums, 36 per cent than dads, 21 per cent, saying they would leave their children to foot the bill.

And 60 percent wrongly believed that no licence would be required to watch live TV on a laptop .

Mark Whitehouse, spokesman for TV Licensing West Midlands, said: "We all know that the last few days before students head off to university can be a busy time, so it is understandable that some parents may be confused or unaware of when their child will need a TV licence. A hefty fine wouldn't be the greatest start to university life, so we would like to remind parents and students of the legal obligations."

To find out about the many ways to pay, including over-the-counter services and the ease of Direct Debit, parents and students can visit or call 0870 242 1417.

A TV licence currently costs £135.50 and a black and white licence is £45.50.