EMPLOYEES across Worcestershire have been benefiting from more than £120 million from the Learning and Skills Council's regional European Social Fund programme.

In Worcestershire and Herefordshire a total of 1,210 employers have benefited from the provision of free or subsidised training courses for their workforce with almost 3,200 full and part-time employees receiving ESF-backed skills development and training. A further 1,225 people have been helped into jobs.

In addition, more than 1,000 people with disabilities have received support to help them to gain skills or equipment to improve their employability.

David Cragg, Regional Director, West Midlands Learning and Skills Council said: "This programme has achieved a great deal in terms of upskilling the workforce of the West Midlands and helping people realise their full potential and get back into work. We will reap the rewards of this hard work for many years to come."

The LSC said the key priorities for Worcestershire and Herefordshire included providing support for the region's industrial zones and encouraging skills development among 14 to 19 year olds with more than 4,200 young people taking part in initiatives designed to help them secure further education or job opportunities.

There has also been a focus on increasing take up of NVQ Level 2 and projects funded in the sub-region, including Worcester College of Technology's Local Employer Training Programme, which provides learning and skills for local employers and their staff.