A BID to build a new bridge across the river Severn in Worcester has gained momentum with the launch of a webpage and leaflet promoting the project.

If successful, £850,000 could be made available to construct a walk and cycle bridge linking Diglis to Lower Wick.

It would create a new map of the city for people living either side of the river while also opening up a circular riverside walk below the walls of the Cathedral.

Your Worcester News previously reported how Worcestershire County Council and Worcester City Council tabled a joint bid for the bridge which has been shortlisted for the lottery funded Connect2 project.

The county council's principle engineer of transportation Ed Durlsey said: "We need everyone in Worcester and beyond to support this exciting project. We are asking that all vote for Connect2 when the TV vote takes place in December to make the bridge a reality. It will transform the Worcester riverside and allow excellent cycling and walking routes across the city."

Although the vote is not until early December, residents can receive information on how to vote closer to the time by texting 'Connect2' to 80010 or visting www.sustransconnect2.org.uk Anybody wanting more information about the project should visit www.worcestershire.gov.uk/connect2 or get a leaflet by calling 01905 765765.